Electronic bug sweep service

We have a range of high-tech kits to search for devices and either find it or give you a clean bill of health. The service is totally confidential.

Now a days it’s very simple for anyone to purchase and install a bug for example to bug your office, boardroom, car, house, or elsewhere.  A dishonest employee or individual could use a bug to steal your private information or data, impacting your business and personal life.

So how do you find the bug?
If it’s something you’re concerned about, call us from a safe location and phone.  We have a range of high-tech kits, we will search for your device and either find it or give you a clean bill of health. The service is totally confidential.   We will work with you to conduct the sweep at a time suitable to you or your organisation.

Who we have worked with
We provide our bug sweeping services to a range of clients from high net-worth private individuals requiring home and vehicle sweeps, data centres, government departments,  FTSE 100 companies, defence organisations and a wide section of SME businesses located throughout Dublin, London, the UK and overseas.

Book a consultation with our bug detecting expert and they will be in touch.

  • Availability: In Stock